ONYX ERP Settings
Specialized tasks to adapt options for using ONYX Pro ERP systems according to the organization's general policies and internal regulations of work procedures and professional principles as fundamental structure for the organization nature in its current business and future needs. They are general input that expresses the identity of the facility to determine the way in which it accomplishes the business and affects various ONYX Pro ERP systems in its operations and results.
Main features of the settings
Defining the organization's information and basic data, coding structures, configuring and activating the features of various systems licensed by us programmatically.
Coding the structures of the organization with its divisions, levels, and functions, such as the managerial structure, the geographical structure and others. Coding the employees' personal and employment data etc.
Setting up the currencies and the appropriate financial period for the organization activity nature and determine the beginning and the ending of the financial period (monthly, periodically...).
Defining the basic common data for the ONYX Pro ERP systems group such as the Charts of Accounts and Sub-directories (Cost Centers, Projects, Activities, etc.).
Preparing the chart of accounts lists with its various levels and classifications, linking each account to the final report, such as the Statement of Financial Position and Income Statement.
Determining the intermediary accounts used in automated accounting entries (currency differences, notes payable, receivables, assets added or excluded ...).
Most Important Settings Functions:
Understanding the settings of the activities at their levels in all business details in the organization to achieve the required performance in the operations and in the outputs.
Accounts are linked to the job that they perform according to their classification, such as funds, banks, customers, suppliers, petty cash, documentary credits, etc.
Achieving the linkage between the chart of accounts, sub-accounts and financial analysis.
Specializing jobs for sectors, activities and workers according to the institutional structure of the organization.
Ease of planning work procedures, implementing the establishment's vision and regulations, working according to what has been prepared, and the ease of recalling the inputs for use in the various activities of the group.

ONYX ERP Management
Controlling the organizational work cycle at the establishment in which the group of ONYX ERP systems is involved to manage the process of input methods, outputs' appearance mode, monitoring users, and evaluating their performance.
Most Important Functions of Managing ONYX ERP:
Backup and save facility data with high security procedures, and the possibility of scheduling the cloud backup process outside the work network.
Management of control over all systems operations in the facility and the multiplicity of levels of approval of document requests to implement the procedures of the document cycle followed.
Closing the approved financial period, performing the necessary treatments to open a new year, and transferring account balances, inventory, assets, human resources and other balances at the end of the previous year to the beginning of the new year.
Defining the users, categorizing them into groups, and managing their powers according to the organizational structure in the facility, with the processes related to the tasks of their jobs.
Monitor users, monitor their performance, secure data, and ensure confidence in information security
Opening the new accounting unit for the new activities in which the facility invests in accordance with the license granted to it for this.
Specify the options for alerts of various processes and the validity of their appearance for users and the appearance of favorite screens.
Manage annual and monthly closing procedures, and procedures for arrests by period, user or screen
Carrying out accounting treatments for currency differences, profits and losses, and the various necessary accounting effects, and arriving at the entity's final result of profit or loss at the end of any financial period.
Main Features of ONYX ERP Management:
Ease of transferring configuration and inputs between accounting units and the new accounting period, and ease of initializing users with the ability to copy the privileges of a user or group within the management structure.
Organizing the users' performance of their operations, and measure their tasks performance with tabular or graphical reports.
Setting the alerts' options of the system's processes and its priorities and determine its visibility to the users.
Controlling the use of ONYX Pro at approved business hours, complete the operations on-time by the employees and suspending a user or a branch according to approved procedures.
Scheduling and maintaining the backup process and the ability to restore it at any time.
Obtaining detailed reports to monitor user inputs and outputs and all of their operations.
Assisting Tools for ONYX ERP:
The professional and personal work environment of ONYX ERP systems helps the user to accomplish his tasks with additional technical tools and quick procedures. This is done through messaging services, assistance, and instructions.
Messaging Services:
Sending financial movement alerts to clients or account balances to senior management officials so that their relationship with the organization's performance are up to date. Sending via SMS or e-mail is done automatically after initializing and preparing messages' information, alerts, the method of sending and the recipients. The most important benefits of those messages:
Real-time access to the movement alerts for those who are in-charge and interested.
Obtaining the required information without logging in to the system.
Providing account balances after every movement done in various operations.
Sending clarification messages or notes individually or as a group.
Help and Instructions:
Part of the desktop work environment for the ONYX ERP user to achieve the quality of the work, facilitate quick access to the necessary work tools in the appropriate time, setting tasks management and integrating experiences within the team. The main benefits of this are:
- Quick access to favorite accounts, which are selected from the chart of accounts that are used frequently.
- Facilitating safe and fast communication between users with internal messages.
- Easily viewing Help Information for any screen of the ONYX system.
- Designing a daily task schedule for the users and alert him/her with the tasks to be performed.
- Saving contact information for the entities and personalities that the organization needs to deal with in an easy-to-use address book.
Users Training
Training is very important task to grant user adequate knowledge about systems functions and benefits. It is provided through three ways:
Attending applied training courses at any of ONYX ERP branches. In such training courses the user is learns what he/she have to learn about the system in highly equipped labs by professional trainers for 20 hours on average.
Training on site via software implementation service, And can identify the details of the following link: Software Implementation.
Continual training by providing customer with required information and skills for improving his/her performance during providing technical support, And can be identified from the link: Technical Support Service
Training Methodology
Each system of ONYX ERP regarded as objective module and independent information that are provided to the trainees in separate training sessions or training program for a number of software, such as financial software, human resources software, ... and so on.
Each training program has a training plan contains all elements for planning the training at the level of each subject in which, such as: goal, introduction, and phases steps, used means, participation, defined time, used tools for trainee's benefit measurement.
Each training session subject contains three parts: theoretical, practical and applied so that the trainee acquires necessary knowledge and skills in the training subject.
Training method depends on motivating trainees to participatory performance during training to achieve self-learning and using the provided instructions in system and other knowledge resources.
If the trainee wants to get training certificate for using ONYX ERP Software about the topics on which he/she is trained, the following requirements are required:
Attending at least 80% of the training program time.
Achieving participation rate of not less than 50% in activities of training sessions.
Passing the theoretical and practical test of training program with at least 70%.
Training Implementation Mechanism:
ينفذ البرنامج التدريبي لعدد من المتدربين خلال فترة زمنية يحددها مركز تدريب أنظمة أونكس ERP في منطقة العميل، ويحصل المتدرب على نسخة إلكترونية من المادة التدريبية.
يخضع تنفيذ البرنامج التدريبي لإجراءات ضبط يومي تتعلق بالتزام المتدربين بالحضور والمشاركة في أنشطة التدريب.
يحق لكل متدرب الحصول على شهادة إنهاء موضوعات برنامج تدريبي وفق البند الخامس من منهجية تدريب أنظمة أونكس ERP.
عند شراء العميل أنظمة أونكس ERP يتضمن العقد تدريب العدد المتفق عليه من كوادر العميل.
يحرر العميل طلباً بتدريب موظفيه لفرع أو وكيل منطقته يحتوي البيانات اللازمة عن المرشحين للتدريب وفق النموذج المعتمد لذلك في برامج تدريب أنظمة أونكس .
منسق تدريب أنظمة أونكس ERP يتولى الترتيب مع المتدربين والعميل حول زمن التدريب ومكوناته ومتطلباته ومتابعة تنفيذ البرنامج التدريبي مع موظفي العميل.